Monday, November 28, 2011

Runs, rides, etc. etc.

I love fall.

It's a time to relax and just enjoy. No cycling events to train for or travel to. No stress. I just have been riding nowadays and doing quite a bit of running. More running than riding actually.

I really like my new bike group - WAV Riders. All girls bike club. No hassle riding. I find myself being able to keep up with these strong women. My average pace has gone up considerably since summer and I'm very pleased. It's true what they say. If you want to get faster, one needs to ride with faster people.

I ran the Run To Feed The Hungry 5k in Sacramento. It was rainy, wet, cold and a lot of fun. With almost 28,000 people in attendance, it was almost like running an obstacle course. In most cases, the only place to run was on the sidewalk. Most were walkers, with strollers, dogs, etc. The crowd had great spirits and I loved it. It wasn't difficult for me to run a 5k nowadays since all my short runs have been 5ks. I ran it in 42 minutes. Not my best time but then I had to weave my way through the crowds.

There was an Elvis sighting!

And these folks?

It's the 10k for me from now on.

Rode 50 miles last Friday with the WAV Riders. It was a great ride. We rode a pace line on the way back and I loved it. I was on my Surly too! It was good on the flats but I felt like I was hauling a tank on the minor bumps.

I ran 5.2 miles straight yesterday and felt great. On my new Merrell Pace Glove Barefoot shoes. Almost barefoot running and I felt like I could run for a bit more but I decided to take it easy.

I can't remember when I stopped my run/walks workout and just started running.

And I've been thinking of running more now than cycling.

Need to look for a spring half marathon....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Falling in love again...

What the heck? Nope. Not that kind.

I'm talking about running. Yep. I love running.

I love running as much as I love cycling! Shocker!

I ran my LSD tonight. Not the drugs, mind you. Long steady distance. 1 hour continuous running, no stops. I didn't feel like I needed to stop so I didn't. 4.75 miles. My 2 short runs this week were 3.5 miles.

Imagine that. Especially when I can barely run a mile straight without feeling like I was going to die last January. Even two months ago.

Then it somehow just clicked.

I used to think, "Dang! Why run when you can bike instead?" I thought people who actually run long distances (longer than a mile, BTW) for fun are nuts! That's just too much work and suffering. And let's not forget the pain.

When did I start entertaining the idea? Let's see. I blame it on being surrounded by runners. A good friend, Diane is one. Then there's Lisa, Jeffrey, Helen, Kevin, Ralph then Tani. Then my VP, Ron and I talk about running a lot too at work. I have become fascinated by their running experiences. Big Sur Half, Nike Women's Half, NY Marathon, CIM, and so many others. They have become my inspiration.

So I said to myself, why not give it a try. Why not cross-train this off-season by running. Maybe if I run, I can keep up with these runners when I ride. With limited daylight, my cycling miles have been almost cut in half anyway. I have been down to 40-50 miles per week. Weekends only. Pathetic, I know.

So I grabbed a CHI running training plan for a 10k then slowly picked up where I left of last March. I started running. I tried to remember the skills Kathy G taught us during the Chi Running clinic. Run - walk - run. Then one evening, I felt so good, I just started running continuously. I was shocked that I really enjoyed it. I expected to feel tolerant about it - just like how one does chores. But I never expected to actually love it.

Then I did the Merrell Mud Run in Granite Bay last Oct. What a blast! I don't remember having that much fun in a single event. I ran the 5k with 7 obstacles and really really enjoyed it. Sometime during that run, I realized that I was really running the course.

I feel like I'm cheating on my 3 road bikes - Ruby, Terry and Shirley - with my running shoes.

There's hope for me yet.